Frequently Asked Questions

Note:  Please keep in mind that these are very general questions since I am just a fan, I only have limited nformation about the details of the display

Questions About The Display

  1. How long did it take to put up the display?

  2. How many individual lights are used in the display?

  3. How much is their Electric Bill?

Q.   How long did it take to put up the display?
A.   The job of setting up the lights begins in August and continues on until early November.

Q.   How many individual lights are used in the display?
A.   The number of lights used in this year's display is around 180,000

Q.   How much is their Electric Bill?
A.   I asked Cathy Zmija this question and she told me that the electric bill
       for the six week period that the lights are on comes to $4000

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